Rules of the Association




1 The association shall be called “The East Lancashire Ladies’ Golf Association”.


2 The objects of the Association are to uphold the Laws of the Game of Golf as at present adopted by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club, St. Andrews; to arrange Inter-Club Competitions and to advance the interests of Golf generally.


3 The Association shall consist of properly constituted Ladies’ Golf Clubs of East Lancashire.

Application for Membership

4 Any Ladies’ Golf Club in East Lancashire may, at any time, make application in writing by its secretary to become affiliated to the East Lancashire Ladies’ Golf Association. Such application shall be sent to the Secretary of the Association and shall by her be laid before the Council of the Association for acceptance.


5 The governing body of the Association shall be styled the Council and shall consist of the Officers of the Association, the Executive Committee and two representatives of each Club.


6 The Officers shall consist of a President, Vice Presidents and an Immediate Past President who shall be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting. Also an Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer and Assistant Secretary who shall be appointed from the Executive Committee.


7 There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the Officers and six others who shall be elected by the Council. Two members of the Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall serve for three years, and shall not be eligible for re-election for one year. For anyone elected for less than three years the same rule for eligibility for re-election applies. Past Presidents may attend Committee Meetings (without voting rights).

Annual Meeting

8 Notices of business to be brought before the Annual Meeting of the Council must reach the Hon. Secretary not later than four weeks before the date of the Annual Meeting each year.

Special Meetings

9 A special meeting of the Council may be convened at any time by the Secretary or on written requests by three Clubs of the Association. Fourteen days-notice of the business to be transacted at such meeting shall be given to the Clubs of the Association, and no other business shall be considered except with consent of the majority of the members present.

Subscription and Entrance Fee

10 The Annual subscription of each Club shall be £30 and any Club newly elected to the Association shall pay an entrance fee of £25.

All subscriptions shall be due on or before 28th February in each year and a Club shall not take part in any competition at a date when the subscription is in arrears.

11 Any Club wishing to resign its membership must give notice of resignation to Hon. Secretary on or before 1st February of each year.

12 The Secretary shall keep correct minutes of the proceedings of the Council and she shall summon all meetings of the council. She shall enrol Clubs in membership and give all notices required by the rules for the time being.

13 No rule of the Association shall be repealed or altered and no new rule shall be made, save by a majority of two-thirds of the members present at any meeting of the Executive Committee. Five to form a quorum.

14 The President, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer of the Association, also Captain and Hon. Secretary of each Club shall be Hon. Members of each Club of the Association.